Astrology Previsions 2018
This article being written in the date of November 18th, you suspect that he will have updates by the end of 2017, following the facts, such the very bad cycle which closes 2017.
Saturn which will enter false Capricorn, cycle which always marked a reversal of the world. It is in the previous Saturn in false Capricorn that the USSR fell and that the USA took temporarily the place(square) of only number 1, without competitor. This cycle was nevertheless helped by Uranus with Saturn to cause(provoke) revolutions in countries pro Russians. The Gulf War was saturnine outcome of this cycle, Soleil+Saturne was entered Capricorn. This cycle prepares us for an unprecedented war between the saturnine strengths, regaining control on the Io strengths, some beginnings of which we shall see in 2018

The cycle of January 7th marks at first with Jupiter+Mars a temporary victory of the Io strengths, as the USA, on nations and saturnine organizations (such Daech, Russia), but also a " war of justice ", which would be revenge of an attack. This second aspect is good on dependent of an action(share) of the last one strengths of Daech against Vatican with Christmas, as have him(it) warns the media, risks confirmed by the sky. It will be necessary
to wait on April 2nd with Mars with Saturn to make that this time the energies of the opponents (create to embody the " Goldstein " way 1984) emerge. I would tend to minimize the importance of Daech, which lives its final cycle, to see the emergence of new terrorist organizations and especially the training(formation) of a new enemy. The recent refusals of Trump to validate the Iranian nuclear agreement with the entrance(entry) of Jupiter to balance, and the birth of a cold war between USA+Saoudiens against Iran will be more and more likely to go towards the real war, and for it break(fart), misses the spark which justifies(proves).
Mars will be in Capricorn for a very long time this year, from May 4th till November 7th, as every 2 years, but with the South, that is the mark of false flag as in 2001. Attack justifying the rise towards the war? It is very difficult to forecast a date and a place, but there are certain trends, let us begin with exact Mars+South

NL on Mars of Vatican, Pluto brought into conflict and Saturne / Saturne of Vatican

Mars+South brought into conflict Vénus+Nord on Mars+Vénus of Saudis

The South on the South of the USA, NL on Mars (what indicates by this Mars that the fate of the USA is bound to that of Vatican, having moreover the American Moon on Sun Vatican)

New Moon on native lunar eclipse of Trump, Venus / Venus, he is also impacted negatively by this cycle (risk of attack(attempt) on his person?). You understood, Saudis are most touched by this military cycle, but later, July 4th, is the American party(holiday), there will be bad Mercure+Nord opposite(opposed) Mars+South

And on July 29th, it will be even more precise

Concerning France: Unfortunately, the fatal phase of current Macron Saturn on its Sun is slowed down by the downgrading of Uranus in fishes harms up, and Uranus returns in ram only in April to stagnate in stars fishes almost all year long. You understood him(it), you should not wait for an awakening(alarm clock) of the people, which will regrettably be too late, before 2019, which will be THE big yea

The Social Security goes towards an opposition Saturne+Pluton to its native Saturn which will amount well on at his(her,its) end. The reforms of 2018 will be good on the cause, because who says to exempt the workers of welfare costs, how to finance the sécu? The state wants to cross(spend) the package of cigarettes in 10 euro to compensate, what will not urge people only to lower(dim) their consumption or to panhandle even any more. This Saturne+Pluton, who is outlined with the South in 2019 marks the slow and progressive end of the oil, who approaches his(her) peak, the prices(prizes) are so gradually going to raise, together with the international tensions which will be born with this Mars+South, you understood. Thus prepare you for a rise(ascent) of the courts(courses,prices,yards) and for a rise in prices consecutive to the increase of the costs of transport. It is the beginning of the end
The technology

The stagnation of Uranus on Mercury and the stagnation of Mars in its sign of ecstasy goes to see strong advances concerning the military IA, the birth of new IA much more strategists than previously, but it is especially in the field of the understanding of the brain, and the reproduction of its functioning and the "download of his contents" which things are going to move forward, we go in 2019 to the revolution of the helmets of telepathy, which will make our current technologies pass in the age of stone, among which 2018 will be still one beginning (announcements, presentations), There will be so several totally useless debates on the morality and the societal changes which will involve such innovations, but you understood him, this Pluton+Saturne, is the fear of the changement/la Saturnalia will be nothing in front of powers energies which are slowly set up.
This Saturne+Pluton is going to imply(involve) negatively the births, to lower the global birth rate, thank you the compulsory vaccination drives (let us call back that Bill Gates explained calmly in a conference which the vaccine served to lower the birth rate and which pandemics were going to appear asking to conceive(design) new vaccines, thus well for the business of its foundation), and to make the saturnine pregnancy more and more complex. He(it) is also going to mark phony women's movements, which on the pretext of Women's Liberation, are going to promote all that he(it) of the worse there in praising, it is so an excellent cycle to throw(launch) the MAP(MEDICALLY ASSISTED PROCREATION) and eventually(later) the GPA and the artificial womb

The plutonien euro, which had brought plutonienne fortune to the elite, lives a cycle Saturne+Pluton on Sun, is " reversal of the currency(change) ", and we can only greet the EU which planned this cycle, gives evidence of it this decision to plan for 2018 a limitation of the cash (and not the end of the cash, restrict is not to prevent, however unpleasant it might seem to complotistes), it ends the traffic(circulation) of the bill(ticket) of 500 euro on January 1st, 2018 moreover, under pretext of anti-money laundering and the drug trafficking. We go gradually towards the fact of generalizing credit card payments blue then especially by mobile(portable), the technologies of payment by mobile(portable) so having fabulous returns for the next years. Already in Sweden, the payment in cash does not concern any more than 1,4 % of purchase.
Then well on some will tell me "me in madmen, I shall pay by rooms, I have no cards blue"or"I do not want to pay by mobile", nevertheless nothing that in October 2017, the payment by mobile or by credit card without contact gathered in 1/3 of the purchases, is 110 % of increase with regard to the same date in 2016. You can personally refuse technological breakthroughs, as the morons who refused the mobile in the 2000s, except for now to have a mobile almost returned into the customs and generalized, as well as the internet anti said that it would never walk.
People not having wanted globally of the flea(chip) RFID, safe for their pets, It is normal that the mobile(portable), which has this flea(chip), is the best way(means) to make accept the dematerialized money

For the fans of the bitcoin, the sky tells us clearly that the sky is going to blow up this speculative bubble, Saturn begins(affects) its car park on plutoniens aspects (currency(change) as the euro). The future is not the bitcoin, but a currency(change) symbolically presented by the elite in 1988, so describing us the emergence of this monster in 2018 in the article of "The Economist":
The biggest shake-up in the global economy from the beginning of 1970s is that the flows of money replaced the exchanges of the properties as the strength which determines the exchange rates. Because of the increasing integration of the world financial markets, the differences in the national economic policies can disrupt the interest rates (or the forecasts of future interest rates) certainly slightly, but enough to arouse enormous transfers of financial assets from a country to the other one. These transfers flood the flow of the commercial income and impact on the supply and demand of the various currencies, and thus their effect on the exchange rates. As the technology of telecommunications keeps moving forward, the future transactions will be less dear and faster. Without coordination in the economic policies, currencies can become only more volatile.
By all these ways(means), the national economic borders dissolve gradually. As the trend(tendency) continues, the attraction of a monetary union through the main industrialized countries will seem irresistible for everybody, except for the foreign exchange dealers and the governments. In the zone-phoenix, the economic adjustment in the variations of the relative prices(prizes) would be made smoothly and automatically, a little as today between the various regions within the big savings(economies). The absence of foreign exchange risk should stimulate the business(trade), the investment and the employment(use).
The zone-phoenix would impose strict constraints to the national governments. There would be no more, for example, national monetary policy. The Phoenix would be emitted by a new central bank, maybe bound to the IMF. The world inflation rate - and, consequently, in narrow margins, every national inflation rate, would be its responsibility. Every country could use the taxes and the public spending to compensate for the temporary reductions in the request, but it would have to borrow rather than to print some money to finance its budget deficit
Without having appeal(recourse) to the tax by the inflation, the governments and their creditors would be obliged to estimate better their loans and their debt than they make him(it) today. It means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends(tendencies) which return the so attractive Phoenix eliminate the national sovereignties in every case. Even in a world of more or less floating exchange rates, the various governments saw their political independence checked(controlled) by a hostile outside world.
While the next century the natural strengths approach, which push the world towards the economic integration will offer a wide choice to the governments. They can follow the current, or build barricades. To prepare the way for the Phoenix means less of claimed agreements on the politics(policy) and more pragmatism. It means authorizing and promoting actively the use by the private sector of a world currency(change), beside the existing national currencies. It would mean letting people vote with their wallet(portfolio) for the possible passage to a monetary union.
The Phoenix will be probably introduced as a cocktail(cocktail party) of national currencies, just like the Special drawing rights are it today. In time, however, his(her,its) value with regard to(compared with) national currencies would stop being significant, because people will choose him(it) as the ease of use and the stability of the purchasing power.
The alternative - to protect an autonomy in the elaboration of the politics(policies) - would imply(involve) a new proliferation of the draconian controls on the business(trade) and the capital flows. It would allow the governments to manage the variations of exchange rate, to spread(display) a monetary and budgetary policy without inhibition, and to attack(affect) the effects of the inflation on the prices(prizes) and the income. It is an obstacle in the growth. The Phoenix will be born near 2018, and prepare you to welcome him(it) when it will be there.
Credible, this article? In 2016, a secret meeting of banks took place about the creation of a secure new " chain ", which contrary to the blockchain and to the bitcoin, would not ask to convert a virtual silver real currency(change), but would assure that the dollar is immediately virtual and usable on the platform, thus current technologies in dungeon.

The box Chain, which proposed this unprecedented revolution in the bullshit, we see magnificent Saturne+Mars, the victory of this reversal gets ready. Jupiter+Vénus American, Io countries, this system is well to be a hit and stand out(be imperative). A meeting not so secret which reminds us the "secret" which led to the creation of the FED

No report, but not of themes lucifériens Venusian, no themes Saturn with joint or opposite Mars. You dream! The awakening will be hard ...